The Young Adult Ministry is for young adults, ages 18 - 25. Whether you are headed to college, military, or finding the right career path, we're here for you.

We're about focusing on Christ, encouraging one another and serving others near and far.

If you're looking for a group of Believers in the same season of life as you... Give us a try.

For more information text Glen at 225-505-6952.


Sunday Morning Bible Study

Sundays at 11:00 am

Room B-103

Teachers are Casey Tingle, Ronette Coleman, Marty Belgard, Glen Miers

Wednesday Nights

Wednesdays at 8:00 pm

Building D

Mostly a meal and a brief message but other times we go out to eat, play volleyball... catch a movie... Consider this your invitation.

Bible Verse Memory Challenge

Memorize ONE verse of each book in the bible. Below is a list of verses.  

Memory Verses